The organization is mandated to work in the 13 districts of South Western Uganda: Mbarara Isingiro Kiruhura Ibanda Buhweju Bushenyi Mitooma Rubirizi Ntungamo Sheema Buhweju Kazo and Rwampara. The overall goal of improving the socio-economic status of the people is guided by the core values of Love Truth Sharing Ethical conduct Team spirit Humility and Faith. Caritas Mbarara contributes to translating the Christian message of love of neighbor compassion and solidarity enshrined in John 10:10 “I have come in order that you might have life – life in all its fullness” the mission thus.

Vision: Harmonious self-reliant and self-supporting communities.

Philosophy: We share resources in the spirit of charity for improving the socio-economic life of the communities in the footsteps of Christ.

Mission: Caritas Mbarara exists to bring the spirit of charity to various levels and deliver services that cause integral development in the Archdiocese of Mbarara.


  • To deliver services in the spirit of sharing and charity
  • To build capacity of communities to be self-reliant and cause integral development
  • To mobilize resources locally and beyond

Formation Process

The formation process of Social Services and Development in the Archdiocese of Mbarara dates back from 1970 when the department was referred to as “planning and development office”. The office had one person planning for Health Economic and other Social activities at Diocesan and Parish Levels. The 1970s was a time of reconstructing hospital staff houses at Ibanda mobilization of human drugs construction of ranches water projects giving students bursaries institutional vehicles construction of health units repairing of some convents presbyteries as well as constructing some schools. Notable also was the formation of savings and credit societies at parish and lower levels.

During the period of 1980s and 1990s the department transformed to a phase of relief social welfare services and rehabilitation and construction of structures. At that time there were so many refugees in Mbarara Diocese from Rwanda Somalia Ethiopia and Kenya mostly located in Nakivale and Orukinga refugee camps. Since 2000 the department changed to the development approach. The shift was not only in the name to Caritas Mbarara as well as the concept and approach to development. During this period Caritas embraced participatory development approaches with the emerging of a number of projects and programmes. This has been achieved under the management and governance of a multi-disciplinary Caritas Mbarara Commission that meets regularly; this has kept the department on track and even resilient amidst COVID 19.

Projects and Programmes

The projects and programmes are run by a competent multidisciplinary qualified staff the staff has remained committed amidst COVID 19. The staff is highly appreciated.

S/N Programme Households reached Current Project Area
1 Rural Family Integrated Development Project (RUFAIDP) 9300 Buhweju and Ibanda District
2 Sustainable Agricultural Practices (SAP) 1400 Birunduma Buhungiro Ngarama Kenyena Kabuyanda and Rwoho in both Isingiro and Ntungamo Districts
3 Farmers Livelihood Improvement Project (FALIP) 1200 Rubirizi District
4 Revolving Fund Programme (RFP) 450 Mbarara Sheema Mitooma and Ntungamo
5 The Health Programme 21 Lower health units and three hospitals Mbarara Bushenyi Ibanda Kiruhura Isingiro Sheema Buhweju Rubirizi and Mitooma
6 Building of a girl’s dormitory - St Victor Secondary School Katara Kashorero Parish Buhweju District.

Caritas Mbarara projects promote techniques that enhance soil fertility improvement for increased land productivity and environmental concerns especially climate change thus increases in food production at household level. The projects promote interventions that include: sustainable crop and animal husbandry practices land management soil and water conservation; backyard gardening integrated pest management livestock management root crop production dietary practices food processing post-harvest handling and water harvesting. In addition is Value addition of selected agricultural products for example banana where products like Banana Cake bread crisps juice wine are made; seed selection sorting and grading of beans proper storage candle and soap making.

More still is promotion of a saving culture through saving models - Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA)) that enhance financial management skills of participating farmers leading to save-borrow-invest approach resulting to increased income. Sanitation and hygiene interventions include construction and improvement of sanitary structures waste management house and kitchen improvement as well as holding sanitation campaigns in public places.

Key Achievements

As of December 2021 the projects and Programmes have registered the following key achievements;

  • Groups have been formed from where interventions could be promoted. Groups have been registered with the Government in preparation for easy linkages with other government programs and NGOs. Groups have continuously benefitted from Government programmes.
  • Increased food availability accessibility utilization stability good dietary practices food quality and quantity.
  • Increased number of children in school through enabling their parent’s payment of school fees and provision of scholastic materials.
  • Reduction of diseases in women and children by 80%. These diseases include malaria diarrhea dysentery and typhoid. This has been achieved due to improved sanitation and hygiene at household level.
  • Increased enterprise diversification and income generating projects.
  • Improved housing structures and acquisition of new other assets for example acquisition of land livestock and household utensils among others.
  • Increased farmers’ incomes savings and loan associations (VSLA) were initiated and over One billion Uganda shillings have been saved by project beneficiaries in their respective groups.
  • Construction of energy saving stoves for the efforts of conserving the environment by reduction on firewood amount thus reduced women workload. The time that was used for collecting firewood frequently is now put to other productive activities.
  • Caritas Diocesan Farmers Federation has been formed as a result of increased farmers’ active participation to ease networking marketing and advocacy for Small holder farmers’ rights.
  • Performance of Diocesan Health Units has improved through availability of drugs in most health units and reduced poly pharmacy; every health unit has a functioning laboratory and qualified staff; improved data management and utilization as well as reduced morbidity and mortality rates by 90%.

Important to note is the effective coordination and advocacy between Diocesan Health Office and other stakeholders which has been ensured through adherence to guidelines and policies of the Ministry of Health Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau and the Archdiocese. It is through this the Health Units have been able to manage professionally COVID 19 and its effects.

Caritas Mbarara will continue being committed to improve the socio-economic living conditions of the people in the Archdiocese of Mbarara.

Rev. Fr. Deusdedit Bukenya

Director Caritas Mbarara