
Bubaare Parish is located in Mbarara Archdiocese, Ibanda District, Ibanda Municipality, Bufunda Division, Bufunda Cell. It’s a parish found within the town. It’s 74 kilometers to the junction of Ibanda-Kazo, Ibanda-Kamwenge, Ibanda-Kitagwenda, and Ibanda-Buhweju.

Geographical Location and Boundaries

Bubaare Parish borders the following areas:

  • Bisheshe Division in the North of Ibanda Municipality
  • Bufunda Division in Ibanda south in the Municipality
  • Kagongo Division in the Western part of Ibanda Municipality

Brief History

Bubaare, as a place of worship for Catholic Christians, became a Hiika in 1930 under Ibanda Parish. The number of Christians kept increasing, and the place kept developing. In 1970, it was given the status of a Centre.

As Ibanda Town developed into a town council with social amenities like running water, electricity, and tarmac roads, incentives for trade, and educational institutions, it became apparent that Bubaare Centre needed to become a parish church to accommodate the population around the town. Thus, a bigger church was constructed. On 28th November 2004, Archbishop Paul K. Bakyenga laid the foundation stone for the parish to start. On 26th February 2017, His Grace Paul K. Bakyenga opened and consecrated the new church building where Christians would worship.

Founding Priests

In 2004, Bubaare, as a center, received priests from the congregation of the Apostles of Jesus who became the first resident priests to establish the parish. The first priests were Fr. Joseph Sselugo, Fr. George Opio, and Fr. Godfrey Bataringya. This congregation has its headquarters in Nairobi and evangelizes Africa and the rest of the world. The current priests serving at the parish are Fr. Eladius Tairo (parish priest), assisted by Fr. James Natseba and Fr. Aloysius Byamukama.

Number of Centres, Hiikas, and Small Christian Communities


  • Bubaare: 3 Hiikas, 23 Small Christian Communities, Population: 2,349
  • Nyakatete: 1 Hiika, 13 Small Christian Communities, Population: 1,711
  • Nyakahaama: 4 Hiikas, 24 Small Christian Communities, Population: 2,345
  • Kibirizi: 1 Hiika, 7 Small Christian Communities, Population: 783
  • Nyakakiri: 3 Hiikas, 22 Small Christian Communities, Population: 2,175
  • Rwemirabyo: 2 Hiikas, 15 Small Christian Communities, Population: 1,130
  • Ruyonza: 1 Hiika, 12 Small Christian Communities, Population: 986

The total number of Hiikas is 15, and there are 7 centres.


  • Bubaare: 19 Small Christian Communities
  • Kanyinampeta: 5 Small Christian Communities
  • Ruhoko: 3 Small Christian Communities
  • Nyakatete: 13 Small Christian Communities
  • Kibirizi: 7 Small Christian Communities
  • Nyakakiri: 6 Small Christian Communities
  • Nyakahaama: 10 Small Christian Communities
  • Kibagarwa: 5 Small Christian Communities
  • Biroro: 4 Small Christian Communities
  • Kakuto: 5 Small Christian Communities
  • Rwobuzizi: 8 Small Christian Communities
  • Rwesinga: 3 Small Christian Communities
  • Kikoni: 8 Small Christian Communities
  • Rwemirabyo: 12 Small Christian Communities
  • Ruyonza: 12 Small Christian Communities

Total number of small Christian communities: 120.

Parish Council

The parish council collaborates with priests to run the parish. The parish council is composed of the following members:

Executive Members

  • Mr. Kasingye Aloysius (Chairperson)
  • Mrs. Barekye Justine (Vice Chairperson)
  • Mr. Mukiza Clever (Secretary)
  • Mrs. Kamugisha Moreen (Vice Secretary)
  • Mr. Agaba James (Treasurer)

Head Catechist

  • Mbabazi Peter

Centre Catechists and Their Chairpersons

  • Bubaare: Tugume Willbroad (Catechist), Tumusiime Josephat (Chairperson)
  • Nyakatete: Mwesigye Robert (Catechist), Bambeila Consolate (Chairperson)
  • Nyakahama: Mukaishaza Donah (Catechist), Bakebwa Lawrence (Chairperson)
  • Kibirizi: Bwesigye John (Catechist), Rwakitengure Johnbosco (Chairperson)
  • Nyakakiri: Bampamya Saverino (Catechist), Musiime Godwine (Chairperson)
  • Rwemirabyo: Kato Moses (Catechist), Jailes Tumushabe (Chairperson)
  • Ruyonza: Baturaine Lawrence (Catechist), Wamgaba Johnbosco (Chairperson)


Planning Committee

  • Chairperson: Mr. Kasingye Alozious
  • Members: Parish Priest, Curate, Chairperson of the Parish Committee

Land Committee

  • Chairperson: Mr. Arinaitwe Ambrose
  • Members: Ms. Barekye Justine, Mr. Musiime Godwine, Mr. Kashagure Lawrence, Mr. Kafura C.T, Mrs. Tusasiirwe Immaculate

Liturgy Committee

  • Chairperson: Ms. Mukaishaza Donah
  • Members: Parish Priest, Curate, Mr. Tugume Willbroad

Vocations Committee

  • Chairperson: Ms. Mushabe Jailes
  • Members: Nomusaserodoti webyo weruweto, Ms. Consolata Bambeiha, Mr. Bakeebwa Salongo

Education Committee

  • Chairperson: Mr. Mugarura Richard
  • Members: Mr. Mukiza Clever, Mr. Warugaba John Bosco, Mrs. Tusasiirwe Immaculate, Mr. Tugume David

Finance Committee

  • Chairperson: Mr. Kafura Christopher
  • Members: Mr. Agaba James, Mr. Mugabe Gratian, Parish Priest

Social Services Committee

  • Chairperson: Mrs. Imelda Kahangirwe
  • Members: Mr. Kasingye Alozious, Mrs. Moreen Kamgisha, Mr. Gabriel Rugumya

Youth Committee

  • Chairperson: Mr. Bampamya Saverino
  • Members: Mr. Atwine Vincent, Mrs. Muhumuza Olivier

Family Committee

  • Chairperson: Mr. Mugabe Gratian
  • Members: Mr. Salongo Bakeebwa, Mr. Baturaine Lawrence, Mrs. Olivier Muhumuza, Mrs. Mugarura Fausta

Communication Committee

  • Chairperson: Mr. Rwakitengure John Bosco
  • Members: Mr. Musiime Godwine, Parish Priest, Ms. Barekye Justine

Lay Apostolate Movement

  • Chairperson: Mr. Tugume Willbroad
  • Members: Mr. Sam Sabun, Mrs. Kirabo Leonida

Number of Schools

School Name Boys Girls Total Private Staff Govt Staff
Bubaare Primary School 377 473 850 11 13
Ruyonza Primary School 263 250 513 5 9
Rwemirabyo Primary School 162 148 310 3 8
Kibirizi Church School 44 49 93 4 -
Kakuto Primary School 90 94 184 9 -
Nyakakiru Primary School 186 226 412 5 8
Nyakahaama Primary School 278 352 630 8 7
Nyakatete Primary School 253 277 530 5 10
Kikoni Primary School 189 194 383 3 8
Kibagarwa Primary School 49 52 101 6 -
Nsasi Secondary School 182 185 367 21 -